WTO news: what’s been happening in the WTO


13 December 1995

Election of WTO Chairpersons for 1996

At the WTO General Council meeting on 13 December 1995, the following were elected Chairpersons of their respective WTO bodies:

General Council: Ambassador William Rossier (Switzerland)

Dispute Settlement Body: Ambassador Celso Lafer (Brazil)

Council for Trade in Goods: Ambassador Srinivasan Naranayan (India)

Council for Trade-Related Aspects

of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs): Ambassador Wade Armstrong (New Zealand)

Council for Trade In Services: Ambassador Lilia Bautista (Philippines)

Trade Policy Review Body: Ambassador Anne Anderson (Ireland)

Committee on Trade and Environment: Ambassador Juan C. Sanchez Arnau (Argentina)

Committee on Trade and Development: Ambassador Nacer Benjelloun-Touimi (Morocco)

Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration: Mr Jun Yokota (Japan)

Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions: Mr Peter Witt (Germany)