International Trade Statistics 2008

International Trade Statistics 2008 offers a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in world trade, covering the details of merchandise trade by product and trade in commercial services by category.

> Previous editions of ITS

See also:
> News item
> Statistics Database
> More on International trade and tariff data


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Each chapter is introduced by a highlights section that identifies the most salient trends in the data and illustrates them with numerous charts and maps. There is also a methodological chapter that explains essential concepts and definitions used in compiling the statistics, and an appendix with detailed data on trade by region up to 2007.

This year's edition expands the coverage of merchandise trade, including new tables on exports and imports of food and fuels by selected economies. With these additions, International Trade Statistics 2008 continues to serve as an invaluable reference for researchers, policy makers, and anyone interested in international trade.


Table of contents:

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