Notes d'information communiquées par les ONG au Secrétariat de l'OMC

Les notes d'information émanant d'ONG dont la liste suit ont été reçues avant le 6 décembre 2002.


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N.B. Il est conseillé de télécharger ces documents au lieu de les visionner avec le navigateur, sinon leur format (par ex. la numérotation des paragraphes) risque d'être altéré.

Preliminary Summary Report on AIPPI's Position on the Doha Health Declaration on TRIPS

(English only)

Asociación Internacional Para la Protección de la Propiedad Industriale Intelectual (AIPPA)

Liberalizing Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries

(English only — also available electronically Word format, 91KB)

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Public Procurement of Services

(English only)

European Services Forum (ESF)

Further Views on cross border compulsory licensing

(English only — also available electronically Word format, 183KB)

The Liberalization of advertising services

(English only)

Agricultural trade and the Doha Development Agenda

(English only)

Regional trade agreements and the multilateral trading system

(English only)

Precaution, science, risk and trade

(English only)

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

4 IRU Resolutions
Security in Road Transport
Issuance of Visas to Professional Drivers
Access to the Profession of Passenger Transport Operations
Distortion of Competition and the use of ECMT Multilateral Authorizations

(All documents available in English  Word format, 148KB and French  Word format, 138KB)

International Road Transport Union (IRU)

Trade imbalances and development needs in the Agriculture Sector

(English only — also available electronically Word format, 30KB)


Statement on Subsidies and Protection

(English only)

Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC)


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