The Role of Trade-Led Economic Growth in Fostering Development: Lessons for the Post-2015 Development Agenda

The United Nations' post-2015 development agenda is taking shape. Like its predecessor the Millennium Development Goals, the post-2015 agenda will reshape development policy priorities for governments and non-governmental actors alike, in many cases galvanising new attention, thinking, and financing to tackle the priorities it identifies.

This essay reviews the historical and ongoing role played by trade in sustained high growth and human development progress, and makes the case that the post-2015 development agenda should include considerations related to trade rules and supply-side capacity. Given the strong links between trade-led growth, economic upgrading, and poverty reduction, the paper argues that trade led economic growth must be prioritised in the post-2015 development agenda.


No: ERSD-2014-10

Auteurs: Shishir Priyadarshi and Trineesh Biswas, WTO Secretariat

Date de rédaction: juillet 2014

Mots clés:

UN, Millennium Development Goals, Post-2015 Development Agenda, GATT WTO, trade, growth, development.

Cotes JEL:

O1, O4, N4

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