10 July 1992




Note from the Chairman


At its meeting on 29 October 1982, the Committee agreed to arrange for regular meetings on a biennial basis of persons responsible for enquiry points. It was agreed that representatives of interested observers would be invited to participate in such meetings, and that the meetings would deal only with technical issues, leaving any policy matters for consideration by the Committee itself (TBT/M/11). The last such meeting was held in May 1989.

Some Committee members have asked about plans to hold a further meeting. An opportunity would present itself in late October of this year. An INFCO meeting and INFCO/ISONET workshop has been scheduled by the ISO Central Secretariat for 29-30 October; although there is no formal link between the Committee's work and meetings of ISONET members, it has been pointed out in the past that in most Parties the persons participating in the Committee's meetings on enquiry points and procedures for information exchange are the same as those participating in the meetings of ISONET members, and that holding the meetings at about the same time can ease the budgetary burden of participation.

The purpose of this Note is to propose that the next meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange be convened on 28 October, and to invite Committee members to contact the Secretariat (Mr. R. Eglin, 739-5148) before 31 August and indicate what matters they feel might usefully be discussed at that meeting so that an agenda can be prepared. As in the past, I would propose that the Vice-Chairman of the Committee be asked to chair the meeting.







