World Trade G/SCM/N/3/TUR/Corr.1


Organization 6 November 1995


Original: English

Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures





Notifications Pursuant to Article XVI:1 of the GATT 1994

and Article 25 of the Agreement on Subsidies and

Countervailing Measures




The following corrections should be made to document G/SCM/N/3/TUR-L/7611/Add.15.

1. In line 2 of point (c) on page 3, the phrase "... export shipments exceeding $50 billion should be read as "... export shipments exceeding $50 million ...".

2. In line 4 of point (c) on page 3, the phrase "... on the basis of past realization" should be read as "... on the basis of past export realization".

3. Line 1 of Table 1 on page 5 should be corrected as:


Credit amount

($ million)

Disbursements as of


($ million)

4. In line 3 of page 7, the phrase "... the republics minimum of ..." should be read as "... the republics. A minimum of ...".