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El presente documento ha sido elaborado bajo la responsabilidad de la Secretaría y sin perjuicio de las posiciones de los Miembros ni de sus derechos y obligaciones en el marco de la OMC.

The Proposed Agenda can be found in document WT/GC/W/666 and contains the following items:

1. Report by the Chairman of the Trade Negotiations Committee

    This is a standing item on the Agenda. The Director-General will report, in his capacity as Chairman of the Trade Negotiations Committee, on activities in this area since his last report in December 2012.

2. Work Programme on Small Economies — Report by the Chairman of the Dedicated Session of the Committee on Trade and Development

    Under this standing item, the Council will receive a report on the progress in the Work Programme on Small Economies on behalf of the Chairman of the Committee on Trade and Development.

3. Review of the exemption provided under Paragraph 3 of the GATT 1994

    The Council will conduct the two yearly-cycle review of the United States' exemption under Paragraph 3(a) of GATT 1994. This paragraph provides an exemption from Part II of GATT 1994 for measures under specific mandatory legislation — enacted by a member before it became a contracting party to GATT 1947 — which prohibits the use, sale or lease of foreign-built or foreign-reconstructed vessels in commercial applications between points in national waters or waters of an exclusive economic zone. The relevant submission by the US can be found in document WT/L/880.

4. Ukraine's Article XXVIII notification — Statements by ASEAN, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, European Union, Guatemala, Hong Kong China, Iceland, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Paraguay, Turkey and the United States

    The European Union, on behalf of the members above, requested that this item be placed on the agenda (WT/GC/152 and Add.1 and Add.2)

5. Improving the Guidelines for granting Intergovernmental Organizations Permanent Observer Status in the WTO — Statement by the Chair

    The General Council Chair will provide an update on her consultations on this matter.

6. Appointment of Officers to WTO Bodies

    The Council is expected take note of the consensus on the slate of names for chairpersons of WTO bodies in Groups 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the Annex to the Guidelines for the Appointment of Officers to WTO Bodies (WT/L/510).

7. Election of Chairperson

    The Council will elect its Chairperson for 2013.



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