Cuestiones abarcadas por los Comités y Acuerdos de la OMCCuestiones abarcadas por los Comités y Acuerdos de la OMC

Contratación públicatransparencia: SIMPOSIO Ginebra, 9 y 10 de octubre de 2002
Simposio sobre la transparencia de la contratación pública

El Simposio de la OMC sobre la transparencia de la contratación pública ha sido organizado de conformidad con el compromiso contraído en el párrafo 26 de la Declaración Ministerial de Doha de asegurar la asistencia técnica y el apoyo a la creación de capacidad adecuados a los países en desarrollo.

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Esquemas de las exposiciones e información básica volver al principio
(solamente en inglés)

Primer día, 9 de octubre, por la mañana

9.30 a.m.

Opening remarks

SESSION 1: Overview of international and regional activities regarding transparency in government procurement
9.45 - 10.00

Guidelines and activities of the World Bank

Bernard Abeillé (Africa Region, World Bank)
Presentation (14 pages; 211 KB)

10.00 - 10.45

Regional activities and arrangements

- Latin America
Fernando Ocampo (FTAA/NGGP Chairman)
Presentation in Spanish (22 pages; 152 KB)
- Africa
John Mensah-Quainoo (Head of Procurement, African Development Bank)
10.45 - 11.00

General discussion

SESSION 2: Economic and developmental implications of government procurement
11.00 - 11.20

Quantifying the size of government procurement

Denis Audet (Trade Directorate, OECD)
Outline (1 page; 91 KB)
Presentation (11 pages; 420 KB)
11.20 - 11.40

Developmental significance of government procurement

Bernard Hoekman (International Trade Division, World Bank)
Presentation (6 pages; 60 KB)
Paper — Evenett and Hoekman (30 pages; 226 KB)
11.40 - 12.00

General discussion

SESSION 3: Experience with issues relating to scope and coverage of government procurement
12.00 - 12.20

National experience with the coverage of the Agreement on Government Procurement

Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen (WTO Office, SECOFI)
Presentation (8 pages; 60 KB)
12.20 - 12.40

Coverage in the Guidelines of the World Bank and the UNCITRAL Model Law

Jean-Jacques Raoul (Procurement Policy and Services Group, World Bank)
Presentation (9 pages; 50 KB)
12.40 - 13.00

General discussion

Primer día, 9 de octubre de 2002, por la tarde
SESSION 4: Transparency and government procurement procedures
15.00 - 15.30

Provisions in the Agreement on Government Procurement

Susan Sheehan (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada)
15.30 - 16.00

Provisions in the UNCITRAL Model Law and the World Bank Guidelines

Jean-Jacques Raoul (Procurement Policy and Services Group, World Bank)
Presentation (6 pages; 51 KB)
16.00 - 16.30

Regional activities and arrangements in Latin America

Fernando Ocampo (FTAA /NGGP Chairman)
Presentation in Spanish (17 pages; 122 KB)
16.30 - 17.00 General discussion
SESSION 5: Application of information technology
17.00 - 17.20

The results of transparency and efficiency achieved with the modernization of federal procurement in Brazil

Marcos Ozorio de Almeida (Secretariat of Logistics and Information Technology, Ministry of Planning, Brazil)
Outline (2 pages; 107 KB)
Presentation 85 pages; 3760 KB)

17.20 - 17.40

Use of GeBIZ system in government procurement

Chua Jek Heng (Government Chief Information Office, Infocomm Development Authority, Singapore)

17.40 - 18.00

General discussion

Segundo día, 10 de octubre de 2002, por la mañana

SESSION 6: Domestic review procedures and dispute settlement in government procurement
10.00 – 10.20

Transparency rules and WTO dispute settlement procedures

Frieder Roessler (Advisory Centre on WTO Law)

10.20 - 10.40

Experience with appeal and review procedures

Marian Lemke (Poland)
10.40 - 11.10

Domestic bid challenge mechanisms

Steven Schooner (George Washington University)

11.10 - 11.30

General discussion


SESSION 7: Technical cooperation and capacity building

11.30 - 11.50 Role of the World Bank and Regional Development Banks
Bernard Abeillé (Africa Region, World Bank)
Presentation (19 pages; 556 KB)
John Mensah-Quainoo (Head of Procurement, African Development Bank)
11.50 - 12.30 Capacity building in procurement
William Kovacic (U.S. Federal Trade Commission)
12.30 – 12.50 General discussion
12.50 p.m. Closing remarks