Cuestiones abarcadas por los Comités y Acuerdos de la OMC


7-9 de junio de 2006: Reunión del Comité OTC

El Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio ("Comité OTC") se reunió los días 7 a 9 de junio de 2006. El orden del día incluía los siguientes puntos:

El presente documento ha sido preparado por la Secretaría bajo su responsabilidad. Sólo tiene por objeto ofrecer información general y no es su propósito afectar a los derechos u obligaciones de los Miembros.

volver al principio

1. Adoption of the agenda   

Delegations adopted the agenda.


volver al principio

2. Implementation and Administration of the Agreement   

(a)    Statements from Members under Article 15.2
The latest list of statements made under Article 15.2 can be found in document G/TBT/GEN/1/Rev.3. In addition, Qatar (G/TBT/2/Add.87), Bangladesh (G/TBT/2/Add.88) and Saudi Arabia (G/TBT/2/Add.89) have submitted their Statements on Implementation and Administration of the Agreement. The latest list of Members' Enquiry Points is contained in document G/TBT/ENQ/27 and updated information is available on the TBT webpágina.

(b)    Specific Trade Concerns
Under this sub-agenda item, delegations raised some 25 specific trade concerns in relation to the implementation and administration of the TBT Agreement. These will be summarized in document (G/TBT/M/39).

(c)    Other Matters
The European Communities made a presentation on its “Exporters' Help Desk”, a facility aimed at assisting developing countries access the European market. More information on this facility can be found here.


volver al principio

3. Triennial Review   

(a)    Three new proposals
Canada introduced a submission on Counterfeiting of Certification Marks Affixed to Goods where there Exists a Health and/or Safety Concern (G/TBT/W/265/Rev.1). New submissions from Chile (G/TBT/W/268), Costa Rica (G/TBT/W/266) and Brazil (G/TBT/W/267) were also introduced and discussed.

(b)    Fourth Triennial Review
The Committee began the drafting work of the Fourth Triennial Review Report.


volver al principio

4. Technical Co-operation   

Members and Observers provided information on their technical assistance activities. The information provided by the Secretariat on its 2006 technical assistance activities is contained in document G/TBT/GEN/34. More information on Secretariat technical assistance activities, including the programs of specific activities, is available on the TBT webpage.


volver al principio

5. Updating by Observers   

Under this Agenda Item, a number of Observers updated the Committee on other relevant work. The list of observer organizations and international intergovernmental organizations whose requests for observer status are pending is contained in G/TBT/GEN/2.


volver al principio

6. Other Business   

No other issues were raised.


volver al principio

7. Date of Next Meeting   

The next regular meeting of the Committee is tentatively scheduled for 8-10 November 2006.

Acta de la reunión
(publicada como documento de carácter reservado y posteriormente puesta en distribución general de conformidad con los procedimientos para la distribución y la supresión del carácter reservado de los documentos de la OMC).