WTO news: what’s been happening in the WTO


21 June 1996

WTO and UNCTAD chiefs meet to discuss further cooperation

The WTO's Director-General, Mr Renato Ruggiero, and UNCTAD's Secretary-General, Mr Rubens Ricupero, met informally on Thursday to discuss future joint collaboration between the two organizations. Following their meeting, Mr Ruggiero said:

“We had a very friendly and constructive meeting. We discussed the implementation of our collaboration on technical cooperation and the possibility of enlarging this collaboration to other institutions like the Common Fund for Commodities. We have in particular agreed to collaborate in the implementation of the mandate given by UNCTAD IX, especially in the fields of investment and environment, where the contribution of UNCTAD can be of particular relevance.”

Mr Ricupero thanked the WTO's Director-General for having participated in UNCTAD IX, adding that his presence had been a concrete expression of the evolving cooperation between the two organizations. Mr Ruggiero also accepted Mr Ricupero's invitation to address the next annual session of UNCTAD's Trade and Development Board meeting in October.