


Session :

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Francisco Mari, responsable du Projet Commerce agricole de Pain pour le Monde, Service Protestant de développement, Allemagne, ONG


"Inclusive trade" means taking into account local trade and not focusing exclusively on international trade. The aim of the session is to inform WTO discussions on domestic agricultural subsidies and to link them to import protection, as developed countries have significantly increased such subsidies to offset the decline in agricultural prices, for import substitution purposes.

The WTO must recognize the right of countries with a structural food deficit, which cannot heavily subsidize their farmers, to the most effective forms of protection, as was done by the GATT prior to 1995.

The session will explain the differences between domestic subsidies and export subsidies, coupled and uncoupled subsidies, subsidies for agricultural products and for inputs (animal feed), and subsidies for raw and for processed agricultural products, and also between subsidies and market price support without subsidies, and administered prices and market prices, in order to resolve the issue of public stockholding for domestic food aid.


  • Leopold Lokossou, Président de la PNOPPA, Plateforme Nationale des Organisations Professionnelles Agricoles du Bénin, membre du ROPPA, Organisation Paysanne.
  • Mamahadou Fayinkey, ancien président de la National Coordination of Farmers of Gambia, administrateur du ROPPA
  • Claude Girod, maraichère en France, experte de la Confédération paysanne et de la Coordination européenne Via Campesina sur les politiques commerciales agricoles, Organisation paysanne.  
  • Jacques Berthelot, analyste des politiques agricoles à SOL (ex-Solidarité), ONG française