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> Pascal Lamy’s speeches

Members of the Working Party on Cape Verde's accession have adopted the report containing the reforms undertaken by Cape Verde to its trade regime, the market access schedules on goods and services, the draft General Council decision and the draft Protocol of Accession.

The Chair of the Working Party, David Shark (US) paid homage to Cape Verde's delegation for remaining fully committed to completing the accession negotiations. He also thanked members for their hard work, goodwill, support and spirit of compromise.

Cape Verde's Deputy Minister of Economy, Mr. Jorge Borges, said he was looking forward to Cape Verde's accession and thanked members for their support during the negotiations.

Members said they would provide technical support to Cape Verde to implement its commitments.

The 'accession package' will be put forward to the General Council for consideration at the meeting of 18 December 2007.

Should the General Council approve the accession package, Cape Verde will have until 30 June 2008 to ratify the deal .

Cape Verde started its accession negotiations in 1999.

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