

The Public Forum will focus on how technology is changing the way we trade. In light of these technological developments, it will assess how trade can continue to contribute to job creation, growth and sustainable development, particularly in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals under the 2030 Agenda. The Forum will debate in particular how to make trade in the future more sustainable and how to ensure that the benefits are shared more widely.

In addition to the main theme of “Trade 2030”, the Public Forum's three sub-themes will be sustainable trade, technology-enabled trade, and a more inclusive trading system.

Sessions for the Public Forum are organised by civil society, academia, business, governments, parliamentarians and intergovernmental organizations. The call for proposals will open soon. 

Registration for those wishing to attend the Forum is due to open on 1 May 2018. 


The Public Forum is the WTO’s largest annual outreach event. It provides a unique platform for heads of state, parliamentarians, business people, students, academics and civil society to come together and debate a wide range of trade and development topics. Over 1,500 participants attend the Forum each year. See more information on previous Public Forums.




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