

Regular bodies

General Council

H.E. Mr Junichi IHARA (Japan)

Dispute Settlement Body

H.E. Ms Sunanta KANGVALKULKIJ (Thailand)

Trade Policy Review Body

H.E. Mr. Eloi LAOUROU  (Benin)

Council for Trade in Goods

H.E. Mr. Stephen DE BOER  (Canada)

Council for Trade in Services

H.E. Mr. Alfredo SUESCUM (Panama)

TRIPS Council

H.E. Dr. Walter WERNER (Germany)

Committee on Trade and Development

H.E. Mr. Diego AULESTIA (Ecuador)

Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions

H.E. Mr. Claudio DE LA PUENTE (Peru)

Committee on Budget, Finance and  Administration

H.E. Mr. Juan Esteban AGUIRRE MARTÍNEZ (Paraguay)

Committee on Trade and Environment

H.E. Mrs. Sondang ANGGRAINI (Indonesia)

Committee on Regional Trade Agreements

H.E. Mr. Julian BRAITHWAITE (United Kingdom)

Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance

H.E. Mr. Mohammad HAQJO (Afghanistan)

Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology

H.E. Mrs. Sabine BÖHLKE MÖLLER (Namibia)

Negotiating Bodies

Services Council in Special Session

H.E. Mrs. Zhanar AITZHANOVA (Kazakhstan)

Negotiating Group on Rules

H.E. Mr Roberto ZAPATA BARRADAS (Mexico)

The outgoing General Council chair, Ambassador Xavier Carim of South Africa, informed members that consultations would continue on the selection of a new chair for the Committee on Agriculture in Special Session.  The chairs of the other negotiating bodies remain the same.




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