Technical Notes on Country Pages
Only duties and imports recorded under HS Chapters 01-97 are taken into account.  National tariff lines that do not follow the corresponding standard HS nomenclature at the level of HS six-digit subheadings used by the country for the reference year were discarded and not taken into account.  All calculations are based on the complete standard nomenclature.  All simple averages are based on pre-aggregated HS six-digit averages.  Pre-aggregation means that duties at the tariff line level are first averaged to HS six-digit subheadings.  Subsequent calculations are based on these pre-aggregated averages.

To the extent possible, non-ad valorem duties are converted into ad valorem equivalents.  The methodology used for the conversion is in Technical Annex B of World Tariff Profiles 2006. 
Part A.1 Tariffs and imports:  Summary and duty ranges
Row titles Description or method of calculation
Simple average final bound Simple average of final bound duties excluding unbound tariff lines.
Simple average MFN applied Simple average of MFN applied duties.
Trade weighted average HS six-digit MFN tariff averages weighted with HS six-digit import flows.
Imports in billion US$ Imports in billion US$.
Binding coverage Share of HS six-digit subheadings containing at least one bound tariff line.  The percentage share is also presented separately for non-agricultural (Non-AG) tariff lines.  Full binding coverage is indicated by 100 without further decimals.  If some tariff lines are unbound but the result still rounds to 100 this is reflected by maintaining one decimal, i.e. 100.0.
Ag:  Tariff quotas (in %) Per cent of HS six-digit subheadings in the schedule of agricultural concession covered by tariff quotas.  Partial coverage is taken into account on a pro rata basis.
Ag:  Special safeguards (in %) Per cent of HS six-digit subheadings in the schedule of agricultural concessions with at least one tariff line subject to Special Safeguards (SSG).  Partial coverage is taken into account on a pro rata basis.
Frequency distribution by duty ranges
The shares by duty ranges in the frequency distribution are based on the pro rata shares of tariff line level duties in the
 standard HS six-digit subheadings.  For example, if there are two tariff lines in one HS six-digit subheading, one with a
duty of 10 and one with a duty of 20, then half of the HS six-digit subheading is allocated to the 5-10 range and the other
 half to the 15-25 range.  The frequency distribution includes AVEs whenever those were calculated.  The percentages
 by duty ranges add up to 100 per cent for MFN applied duties unless there are non-computable AVEs or missing
 tariff lines for which no separate category was allocated.  For bound duties, the duty ranges add up to the percentage
of the binding coverage unless there are non-computable AVEs or missing tariff lines.  Please note that the use of different nomenclatures for bound and MFN applied duties affects the comparability of bound and MFN applied duty shares by frequency ranges.

When trade is available at the tariff line level, imports are allocated on a tariff line basis to the respective duty ranges.  Otherwise, HS six-digit imports are allocated on a pro rata basis to duty ranges, e.g. if there are two tariff lines in one
HS six-digit subheading, one with a duty of 10 and one with a duty of 20 then half of the HS six-digit imports are
allocated to the 5-10 range and the other half to the 15-25 range.

Share of HS six-digit subheadings subject to non-ad valorem duties.  When only part of the HS six-digit subheading
is subject to non-ad valorem duties, the percentage share of these tariff lines is used.
Part A.2 Tariffs and imports by product groups
Column heading Description or method of calculation  
Final bound duties AVG Simple average of final bound duties excluding unbound tariff lines.
Duty-free in % Share of duty-free HS six-digit subheadings in the total number of subheadings in the product group.  Partially duty-free subheadings are taken into account on a pro rata basis.
Max Highest ad valorem duty or calculated AVE within the product group.
Binding in % Share of HS six-digit subheadings containing at least one bound tariff line.  Full binding coverage is indicated by 100 without further decimals.  If some tariff lines are unbound but the result still rounds to 100 this is reflected by maintaining one decimal, i.e. 100.0.
MFN applied duties AVG Simple average of MFN applied duties.
Duty-free in % Share of duty-free HS six-digit subheadings in the total number of subheadings in the product group.  Partially duty-free subheadings are taken into account on a pro rata basis.
Max Highest ad valorem duty or calculated AVE within the product group.
Imports Share in % Share of imports falling under product group.
Duty-free in % Share of MFN duty-free imports falling under product group in total imports in that product group.  Partially duty-free subheadings are taken into account on a pro rata basis if tariff line imports are not available.
Part B Exports to major trading partners and duties faced
Column heading Description or method of calculation
Bilateral imports in million US$ Total imports of major partner countries.
Diversification:  95 % trade in no. of HS 2-digit Number of HS Chapters with trade flows after exclusion of 5 per cent of smallest bilateral tariff line trade flows.
HS 6-digit Number of HS six-digit subheadings with trade flows after exclusion of 5 per cent of smallest bilateral tariff line trade flows.
MFN AVG of traded TL Simple Simple average of MFN duties based only on tariff lines with imports.
Weighted Trade-weighted average MFN duty.
Pref. margin Weighted Trade-weighted average difference between the MFN duty and the most advantageous preferential duty.  Tariff lines where either MFN or preferential duties cannot be expressed in ad valorem terms have been excluded.
Duty-free imports TL in % Duty-free tariff lines in per cent of all traded tariff lines; includes duty-free preferential treatment.  Partially duty-free subheadings are taken into account on a pro rata basis if tariff line imports are not available.
Value in % Share of duty-free trade in per cent of all bilateral trade flows;  includes duty-free preferential treatment.  Partially duty-free subheadings are taken into account on a pro rata basis if tariff line imports are not available.
Definition of product groups used in part A.2
Product Group        MTN 1 Harmonized System Nomenclature 2017
Agricultural products (Ag)
Animal products 17 Ch. 01, Ch. 02, 1601-02
Dairy products 21 0401-06
Fruits, vegetables, plants 12 Ch. 07, Ch. 08, 1105-06, 2001-08
19 0601-03, 1211, Ch. 13, Ch. 14
Coffee, tea 13 0901-03, Ch. 18 (except 1802), 2101
Cereals and preparations x15 0407-10, 1101-04, 1107-09, Ch. 19, 2102-06, 2209
16 Ch. 10
Oilseeds, fats & oils 18 1201-08, Ch. 15 (except 150410, 150420), 2304-06, 3823
Sugars and confectionary 14 Ch. 17
Beverages and tobacco 20 2009, 2201-08
22 Ch. 24
Cotton x23 5201-5203
Other agricultural products x15 0904-10
x23 Ch.05 (except 0508, 051191),  0604, 1209-10, 1212-14, 1802,
230110, 2302-03, 2307- 09, 290543-45, 3301, 3501-05, 380910,
382460,  4101-03, 4301, 5001- 03, 5101-03, 5301-02
Non-agricultural products (Non-Ag)
Fish and fish products 11 Ch. 03, 0508, 051191, 150410, 150420, 1603-05, 230120
Minerals and metals 4 2601-17, 2620, Ch. 72-76 (except 7321-22),
Ch. 78-83 (except 8304-05)
9 Ch. 25, 2618-19, 2621, 2701-04, 2706- 08, 2711-15, Ch.31, 3403, Ch. 68-71 (except 6807, 701911-19, 701940-59), 911310-20
Petroleum 97 2709-10
Chemicals 2  5 2705, Ch. 28-30 (except 290543-45, 300590), Ch. 32- 33 (except 3301, 330620) , Ch. 34 (except 3403, 3406), 3506-07, 3601-04, Ch. 37-39 (except 380910, 3823, 382460, 392112-13, 392190)
Wood, paper, etc. 1 Ch.44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 9401-04 (except 940490), 961900
Textiles x2 300590, 330620, 392112-13, 392190, 420212, 420222, 420232, 420292, Ch. 50-60 (except 5001-03, 5101-03, 5201-03, 5301- 02), Ch. 63, 640520, 640610, 6501-05, 6601, 701911-19, 701940-59, 870821, 8804, 911390, 940490, 961210
Clothing x2 Ch. 61-62
Leather, footwear, etc. 3 Ch. 40, Ch. 41 (except 4101-4103), 4201-05 (except 420212, 420222, 420232, 420292), 4302-04, Ch. 64 (except 640520, 640610), 9605
Non-electrical machinery 7 7321-22, Ch. 84 (except 846721-29), 850860, 852842, 852852,
852862, 8608, 8709
Electrical machinery 8 846721-29, Ch. 85 (except 850860, 852842, 852852, 852862,
8519-8523 but including 852352)
Transport equipment 6 Ch. 86 (except 8608), 8701-08 (except 870821), 8711-14, 8716, 8801-03, Ch. 89
Manufactures, not elsewhere specified 10 2716, 3406, 3605-06, 4206, Ch. 46, 6506-07, 6602-03, Ch. 67,
6807, 8304-05, 8519-23 (except 852352), 8710, 8715, 8805,
Ch. 90-93(except 9113), 9405-06,
Ch. 95-97 (except 9605, 961210, 961900)
1.  Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN) categories were first defined in the Tokyo Round and adapted for the Harmonized System in the Uruguay Round.  The product group breakdown in this publication deviates slightly from the previous definition, which was based on the HS 1992 nomenclature.
2.  The part of HS subheading 330210 which relates to products originally classified as agricultural has not been taken into account in the Chemicals product group.
Abbreviations used
AVG Average
Ag Agricultural products
AVE Ad valorem equivalent
HS Harmonized System (nomenclature)
Max Maximum duty
MFN Most favoured nation
NAV Non-ad valorem duty
Non-Ag Non agricultural products
TL Tariff line
UV Unit value
Notations used
- Not applicable
0 = 0 (not rounded)
0.0 > 0 and < 0.05
Blank Bound or applied duties and/or imports are not available at all for a given country or customs territory
Italics Maxima, based on AVE estimates are printed in italics;  this also applies in cases when the ad valorem part of a compound or mixed duty as ceiling or floor.
US$ United States dollar