
Thematic Session on Cotton by-Products Development in LDCs

Virtual meeting


1. Introductory remarks by the Chairperson, Deputy Director-General Alan Wm. Wolff

2. Draft General-Council Declaration on Support for Cotton By-Products development in LDCs:

a. Statement by H.E. Mr Dieudonné W. Désiré SOUGOURI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Burkina Faso to the United Nations and the WTO, on behalf of the C-4 and other cotton producing LDCs

b. Statements by other WTO Members

c. Concluding remarks and way forward by DDG Alan Wm. Wolff

3. Results of the feasibility assessment studies conducted in 8 pilot African LDCs in the context of the WTO-UNCTAD-ITC initiative on cotton by-products:

a. Context and objectives

i. Statement by Mr Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director, Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF)

ii. Joint statement by the Secretariats of the WTO, UNCTAD and ITC

b. Case of Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali

i. Presentation by Dr. Alexis Hougni, Independent Consultant

ii. Open discussion

c. Case of Mozambique

i. Presentation by Dr. Benedito Cunguara, Independent Consultant

ii. Open discussion

d. Case of Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia

i. Presentation by Mr Kris Terauds, Economist, UNCTAD

ii. Open discussion

e. Conclusions and next steps

i. Statement by Mr Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director, EIF

ii. Statement by the European Union

iii. Statement by Brazil

iv. Statement by China

v. Statement by Cameroon

vi. Statements by other WTO Members and development cooperation partners

vii. Statement by UNCTAD and ITC

4. Concluding remarks by the Chairperson, Deputy Director-General Alan Wm. Wolff



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