Issues covered by the WTO’s committees and agreements


21 October 2000

WTO organizes a second “Geneva Week” for non-resident delegations

21-27 October 2000

The Secretariat organized a second information week on 21-27 October 2000 for the 37 WTO members and observers without permanent representation at headquarters. Director-General Mike Moore said “it is a way of increasing participation and transparency for the smaller members.”

See also:

> Joint WTO-World Bank website — the Trade and Development Centre

> Website of the
Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least-Developed Countries

> Consult the Guide to downloading files.

> Press release
> Geneva Week begins
> Final report on the Geneva Week (2 pages; 38 KB in Word format)back to top

Seminar on Small Economies  

The Geneva Week began on Saturday 21 October with a Seminar on Small Economies. The objective of the seminar was to explore issues related to the problems of small economies and possible linkages to WTO provisions. Participation was open to WTO Members and Observers and Inter-Governmental Organizations with observer status in the WTO Committee on Trade and Development.


Background material on small economies

Summary report of the seminar on small economies.