Pour en savoir plus


In the notification Costa Rica indicated, among other things, as follows (excerpt from a provisional English translation):

" i) Presentation of evidence and submission of comments

… [T]he parties will have 10 working days … counted from the notification of the beginning of the investigation, to present written submissions and any document of defense that they consider pertinent.

Likewise, they will have 3 working days, counted from the last notification of the beginning of the investigation, to file an appeal under … the General Law of the Costa Rican Public Administration.

… [T]he parties will have 45 calendar days, counted from the day following the notification of the request for information …, to provide evidence.

ii) Deadlines and procedure for Members and exporters to identify themselves as interested parties

… [A] period of 8 working days, counted as of its publication in the Official Gazette, is granted to anyone who considers itself an interested party in the proceeding to appear before the Investigating Authority ...

Des renseignements plus détaillés figurent dans le document G/SG/N/6/CRI/4 (currently available only in Spanish)


Qu’est-ce qu’une enquête en matière de sauvegardes?

Une enquête en matière de sauvegardes vise à déterminer si l’accroissement des importations d’un produit cause, ou menace de causer, un dommage grave pour une branche de production nationale.

Au cours d’une telle enquête, les importateurs, exportateurs et autres parties intéressées peuvent présenter des éléments de preuve et des vues et répondre aux communications des autres parties.

Un Membre de l’OMC peut prendre une mesure de “sauvegarde” (c’est-à-dire limiter temporairement les importations d’un produit) uniquement s’il est constaté que l’accroissement des importations du produit cause ou menace de causer un dommage grave.




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