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The workshop was organized by the Trade and Environment Division  at the request of the LDC Group of the WTO for more focused information on emerging trade and environment issues of particular interest to LDCs. At the workshop, presenters focused on the topic of trade and the circular economy, which will be the main topic of the upcoming CTE meeting on 26 November. The move towards economic circularity and resource efficiency presents both challenges and opportunities for all economies, in particular for developing countries and LDCs. Members are set to address these and other trade and environment issues in the meeting which will be complemented by several side-events held back-to-back with the CTE meeting.

A representative of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (BRS) presented recent developments and decisions affecting trade in hazardous wastes and chemicals, including the decision to include trade in certain plastic wastes under the conventions' regulatory system.  Mr Jean-Marie Paugam, Chair of the CTE and the Permanent Representative of France to the WTO, closed the workshop by noting the special role the Committee can play in providing a forum for debate on current trade and environment issues. He also highlighted the importance of LDCs' active participation in the debates in the CTE.

Participants shared their views on how LDCs can better address the challenges of and opportunities from the circular economy, including through the work of the CTE. They also reiterated their call for continued efforts to build the capacity of LDCs to participate in trade and environment discussions.




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