
Les chaînes de blocs et la technologie des registres distribués dans le commerce: Où en sommes-nous?

La pandémie de COVID-19 a accéléré la numérisation dans tous les secteurs, y compris le commerce international, qui reste entravé par des processus inefficaces reposant largement sur des documents papier. Des projets mettant à profit la technologie des registres distribués (DLT) - communément appelée "technologie des chaînes de blocs" - présentent un intérêt particulier pour la numérisation du commerce. La nature inviolable et décentralisée de cette technologie la rend utile pour mettre fin aux cloisonnements qui inhibent le commerce international. De nombreux projets qui ne faisaient que commencer lorsque la première publication "Blockchain and DLT in Trade" a été lancée en novembre 2019 sont arrivés à maturité et ont atteint le stade de la production. Cette publication examine la situation actuelle.

The publication updates the original "periodic table" of DLT projects in trade launched in November 2019 by the International Chamber of Commerce, the WTO and Trade Finance Global, a trade finance platform, at the WTO Global Trade and Blockchain Forum.

The periodic table provides a means of differentiating between the countless initiatives, projects, consortia and companies operating in the broad space that can be described by "DLT in trade". While no simplified diagram of the landscape can encapsulate the minutiae of each project, the table provides a starting point for understanding and analyzing the industry.

This publication maps 44 projects related to trade finance, insurance, know your customer, shipping/logistics and supply chain, digitalization of trade documents and trade processes as well as other projects, such as marketplaces, and assesses their level of maturity. A new section on standardization initiatives provides an overview of projects that work towards creating digital standards relevant for trade to drive digital interoperability. The report also showcases the results of a supplementary survey analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the projects featured.

Published in 2020.

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Published in 2020

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