Trade, Technology, and Prosperity: An Account of Evidence from a Labor-market Perspective

Trade and technological change continually alter the workplace and labor-market outcomes, with consequences for economy-wide welfare and the distribution of real incomes.

It is estimated that tariffs on insecticide-treated bed nets have reduced demand by some US$ 7 million between 2011 and 2015, equivalent to around 3.1 million bed nets. This has contributed to some 2.9 million malaria cases and over 5,000 fatalities during this period. The paper discusses various policy implications of this finding, including whether tariff concessions (e.g. for local relief organizations) are more effective than a general zero-tariff policy. It is argued that concessions give rise to a process that is bureaucratic and only partially compensatory for the cost incurred. The introduction of a new six-digit tariff line specifically for mosquito nets with HS 2017 will facilitate a zero-tariff policy on bed nets. By the same token, policy makers should address remaining non-tariff barriers that affect the importation of anti-malarial products.

No: ERSD-2017-15

Auteurs: Marc-Andreas Muendler, UC San Diego, CESifo and NBER

Date de rédaction: novembre 2017

Mots clés:

Trade, current account balance, automation, choice of technology, industrial structure and structural change, labor-market outcomes, employment, jobs, wages, inequality

Cotes JEL:

F16, F32, J23, J2, L1, O14.

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