Specialization within global value chains: The role of additive transport costs

This paper studies the factors of comparative advantage within global value chains relying on a framework where comparative advantage is measured through the interaction of country and industry characteristics.

We find that good institutions give a comparative advantage in the later stages of the production process, whereas good transport infrastructure gives an advantage in the early stages of production. We explain these results with a simple theoretical framework that shows how predicted patterns of specializations depend on whether trade costs are additive or multiplicative.

No: ERSD-2018-05

Auteurs: Rainer Lanz and Roberta Piermartini

Date de rédaction: avril 2018

Mots clés:

Global value chains, quality of transport infrastructure, quality of institutions, comparative advantage, upstreamness, production networks, trade costs

Cotes JEL:

F13, F14, L60

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