Ordre du jour proposé


> Nouvelles du Conseil général
> Travaux du Conseil général
> Organigramme


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Le présent Document a été établi par le Secrétariat sous sa propre responsabilité et est sans préjudice des positions des Membres ni de leurs droits ou obligations dans le cadre de l’OMC.

The Proposed Agenda can be found in document WT/GC/W/656 and contains the following items:

1. Report by the Chairman of the Trade Negotiations Committee

This is a standing Item on the Agenda. The Director-General will report, in his capacity as Chairman of the TNC, on activities in this area since his last report in February 2012.

2. Work Programme on Small Economies  — Report by the Chairman of the Dedicated Session of the Committee on Trade and Development

Under this standing Item, the Chairman of the Dedicated Session of the CTD will report on the progress of work in the Work Programme on Small Economies.

3. Improving the Guidelines for Granting Observer Status to Intergovernmental Organizations in the WTO – Communication from the Arab Group (WT/GC/W/654)

Under this Agenda Item, the Chair will report on the consultations she undertook on this matter.

4. Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration — Report on meeting of March 2012

The Chairman of the Budget Committee will introduce the Committee’s report on its meeting in March (WT/BFA/129), and seek the Council’s approval of the specific recommendations contained therein.

5. International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO — Report of the Joint Advisory Group on its Forty-fifth Session

The Chairman of the CTD will report on that Committee’s consideration and action on this matter. The Council is expected to adopt the JAG report.

6. WTO Pension Plan Management Board — Election of one members and two alternates — Proposal by the Chair of the General Council

The Council will be invited to elect one member and two alternates to Management Board of the WTO Pension Plan until the end of its term.


Inauguration du nouvel atrium et des salles de conférence de l'aile Sud dans le bâtiment de l'OMC


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