Les obstacles techniques au commerce

Les six principes du Comité OTC pour l'élaboration des normes internationales sont-ils toujours pertinents?

Mercredi 14 octobre 2020, 14 heures-15h30 (heure de Genève)

Webinaire sur Zoom

Watch the recording of the event here.

International standards facilitate trade and spread innovations. In 2000, the WTO's Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee adopted the Six Principles for the Development of International Standards. They are meant to help international standards work better for global trade. They are widely followed by standards bodies seeking international relevance; they cover: transparency, openness, impartiality and consensus, effectiveness and relevance, coherence, and the development dimension. The third event in the TBT@40 Dialogue Series will look at whether, 20 years on, the Six Principles remain fit for purpose in a world of rapid change. Speakers will survey the legacy and look to the future.



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