obstacles techniques au commerce

TBT@40 Dialogue Series

The WTO TBT Agreement originated from the GATT "Standards Code", which entered into force 40 years ago. To mark this anniversary, the WTO's Trade and Environment Division is organizing series of dialogues on TBT-related topics.


The first in this series is the virtual launch of the recently published book "Transparency in the WTO SPS and TBT Agreements – The real Jewel in the Crown", written by Marianna Karttunen

The second looked at how Members use the TBT Committee to raise and discuss "Specific Trade Concerns" (STCs) with respect to each other's regulatory measures

The third in this series will look at whether, 20 years on, the "Six Principles" remain fit for purpose in a world of rapid change. Speakers will survey the legacy and look to the future.



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