obstacles techniques au commerce

Thematic Session on Technical Regulations: Marking and Labelling

At the Eighth Triennial Review, Members agreed to continue to hold thematic sessions in conjunction with its regular meetings during 2019 to 2021, with a view to further deepening the Committee's exchange of experiences on specific topics. In particular, with a view to furthering its work in the area of mandatory marking and labelling requirements, Members agreed to hold a discussion of how to facilitate compliance with mandatory marking and labelling requirements on products. On this basis, the Committee agreed to hold a session on technical regulations with a focus on mandatory marking and labelling on 27 October 2020.

Geneva, WTO Headquarters

This thematic session will be moderated by: Mr. José Antonio Cury G. Braga (Brazil)
Moderator's report

  • European Union: CE Marking, Mr. Christian Scharling, DG GROW, European Commission.
  • European Union: Compliance issues of mandatory marking and labelling requirements of imported products, Ms Natalia Matting, DG TRADE, European Commission.
  • United States: Labelling: Marketing, Consumers and Public Health, Dr. Douglas Balentine, Senior Science Advisor, International Nutrition Policy, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration (CFSAN FDA).



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