4 November 1988








Dear Participant,

On the basis of consultations that I have held, it appears that there is widespread support for inviting the Director-General of WIPO, or his representative, to attend the meeting of the TNC to be held in Montreal at Ministerial level beginning on 5 December. Such an invitation would be extended on an ad hoc basis and on the understanding reached in the Trade Negotiations Committee on attendance at Uruguay Round meetings (MTN.TNC/3, Annex). You will recall that the WIPO is regularly invited to attend the Negotiating Group on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, including Trade in Counterfeit Goods.

If I am not informed of any objections to this course of action by 14 November 1988, I will then send the invitation to the Director-General of WIPO.

Yours sincerely




A. Dunkel


Trade Negotiations Committee









Trade Negotiations Committee


