TS/148-20 18 May 1990









At the request of some delegations from developing countries, a workshop on anti-dumping procedures and practices will be held on the weekend of 9-10 June 1990.

The basic objective of the workshop, which is being arranged under the Technical Assistance Programme of the GATT secretariat, is to assist participants in the Uruguay Round negotiations in having a better understanding of procedures and practices relating to the application and assessment of anti-dumping duties in some of the major countries.

The workshop will be conducted in English only, by two independent experts.

Participation is open to delegations from all participants in the Uruguay Round negotiations who have an interest in the subject matter.

The sessions will be held in the Centre William Rappard from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 17:30, on both days.

Missions interested in participating are kindly requested to let the secretariat know that names of their officials who will participate. Please reply in writing to Ms. A. Blank, Technical Co-operation Division, before 31 May 1990.






