World Trade WT/BFA/2


31 March 1995

Organization Limited Distribution









The Joint WTO/GATT Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration met on 22 March 1995 and have the following recommendations to the General Council for approval.


1. Relationship between the UN and GATT/WTO with regard to the International Trade Centre:

The Committee recommends to the General Council the following:

A. Assuming that the current joint and equal partnership of the two sponsoring organizations for the general policy and orientation of the ITC's work programme will continue, the Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration recommends to the General Council that a mandate be given to the Secretariat of the WTO to negotiate with the Secretariat of the United Nations a new arrangement on budgetary issues related to the functioning of the ITC.

B. The control function of the GATT/WTO on the ITC budgetary procedures should be restored. In this respect the 1974 agreement between the GATT and the UN should be modified according to what follows.

C. The ITC budget will be subject to the same preparation and reporting procedures as the GATT/WTO budget itself.

D. It will cover a calendar year period and will be presented in Swiss francs, the currency in which the bulk of expenditures is made.

E. It will be formulated by the ITC secretariat using exchange rates and inflation factors to be decided upon jointly between the ITC and GATT/WTO secretariats in consultation with the United Nations.


2. Inactive Members:

In accordance with paragraph 7(b) of document PC/7, L/7578, The Committee recommends to the General Council that the following contracting parties/Members classified in Category IV of Administrative Measures (Inactive Members) be urged to liquidate their arrears:


Antigua and Barbuda Madagascar

Bolivia Mauritania

Burundi Nicaragua

Cameroon Niger

Central African Republic Rwanda

Chad Senegal

Congo Sierra Leone

Dominican Republic Suriname

Gambia Togo

Ghana Uganda

Guatemala Zaire

Haiti Zambia


3. CONTRACTING PARTIES representative on the ICITO/GATT Staff Pension Committee:

The Committee recommends to the General Council that Mr. Jean-Daniel Rey replace Mr. Peter Cheung on the Staff Pension Committee until the expiration of the present mandate on 31 December 1995.