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Results 731 - 740 of about 1376 for tea.


    Jul 16, 2012 - Memo: Crude oil price in US$/barrelb 62 79 104 56 76 a Comprising coffee, cocoa beans and tea. b Average of Brent, Dubai, and West Texas Intermediate. Source: IMF International Financial Statistics. World TrAde reporT 2012 22 Appendix Figure 1 shows seasonally adjusted quarterly

    Jul 22, 2009 - 65 a 2008 2007 2006 a Comprising coffee, cocoa beans and tea. Source: IMF, International Financial Statistics. 8 wOrld TradE rEpOrT 2009 The Canadian dollar, British pound and Korean won have followed similar trajectories as that of the euro, first appreciating against the dollar

    May 16, 2012 - -11 2005-11 All commodities -30 26 26 12 14 Metals -19 48 14 15 18 Beverages a -15 11 20 8 11 Food 2 14 17 10 13 Agricultural raw materials -17 33 23 5 9 Energy -37 26 32 15 15 Memo: Crude oil price in $/barrel b 62 79 104 56 76 a Comprising coffee, cocoa beans and tea. b Average of Brent, Dubai

  • Harnessing trade for sustainable development and a green economy
    Dec 19, 2011 - development and the transition to a green economy. In this regard, the fundamental principles of non-discrimination and transparency, which underpin all WTO agreements, offer a framework for ensuring predictability and fair implementation of measures that address environmental concerns. Tea picking

    Jul 03, 2019 - 109 CHAPTER 4 AID FOR TRADE IN CHALLENGING CONTEXTS Contributed by the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)1 Abstract: The least developed countries face the greatest challenges in realizing the full potential of economic diversification with all the benefits that it can bring for economic growth, development and poverty reduction. While trade flows remain vital for LDC economies, their share in world trade is still below 1%. LDC merch...

  • The making of the TRIPS Agreement: Personal insights from the Uruguay Round negotiations
    Oct 01, 2015 - Negotiating for India A.V. Ganesan Background to the TRIPS negotiations, including the mandate In this chapter, I venture to walk down memory lane and try to recall my experiences with the negotiation of the TRIPS Agreement nearly 25 years ago. I had the honour of representing India at some of the important stages of the negotiations between 1987 and 1993: first, as Additional Secretary, Ministry of Industry, when the administration of patents, trademarks and industrial designs in India ...

    Jun 02, 2001 - , Mrs. Lourdes Berrig (Philippines), noted emerging consensus on conferring country of origin to the process of bulbs becoming flowers, and not granting origin to the manufacture of wreaths and flower baskets; placing tea in individual bags; placing in bags parts of plants and fruits; obtaining the core

    Oct 28, 2013 - are; Tea sub sector, Non metal and mineral products, Metallic products, Brewery, Wood and wooden products, Tobacco sub sector, Soft drinks, Packaging industries, Soft drinks, Meat and meat products, Automotive, Fishery, Leather and leather products, Edible oil, Energy sub sector, Coffee sub sector

    Aug 22, 2013 - for the producers of distinctive products, ranging from tea, honey, artistic work and cultural brands.188 5.3 Bilateral programmes other WTO member countries This section describes bilateral programmes for technical and financial assistance by WTO member countries outside of the European Union

    Jun 28, 2011 - 13.8 5-20 7.4 0.5 300.4 Coffee and tea, cocoa, sugar, etc. 168 17.1 5-35 7.0 0.4 896.8 Cut flowers and plants 35 7.6 5-20 5.7 0.8 73.4 Fruit and vegetables 166 19.5 5-20 2.5 0.1 101.9 Grains 18 5.8 5-10 1.9 0.3 1,581.3 Oil seeds, fats, oils and their products 92


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