La Unión Europea notificó a la Secretaría de la OMC, el 13 de junio, una petición de consultas con Indonesia sobre cuestiones de cumplimiento y arbitraje en la diferencia entre Indonesia y los Estados Unidos sobre cigarrillos de clavo de olor, en la que la UE interviene como tercera parte (DS406).

> Todas las diferencias que están actualmente en la fase de consultas


he EThe EU considers that Indonesia has acted inconsistently with the procedures of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) in unilaterally requesting “sanctions” against the US (for failing to comply with the recommendations and rulings of the DSB in the dispute) without requesting a “compliance panel” to consider whether the measures taken by the US were in compliance with what was recommended by the DSB.

The EU also complains that Indonesia rejected the participation of the EU, as a third party, at the compliance/arbitration panel procedures, preventing the interests of the EU from being taken into account.

Both issues, the “sequencing” problem (the possibility of applying sanctions without waiting for the results of a compliance panel) and the participation of third parties at compliance/arbitration procedures, have been a subject of systemic concern by WTO members for a long time and are part of the current negotiations to improve the Dispute Settlement Understanding.

There was disagreement between the United States and Indonesia over compliance, and the matter was referred to arbitration. Indonesia requested “sanctions” against the US for US$ 50.5 million to which the US objected. It was not possible to reach a “sequencing” agreement between both parties and Indonesia claimed it was not necessary to request a “compliance” panel because the US had taken “no action”.

> En los próximos días se facilitará más información en el documento WT/DS481/1

¿Qué es una solicitud de celebración de consultas?

La solicitud de celebración de consultas inicia formalmente una diferencia en la OMC. Las consultas dan a las partes la oportunidad de debatir la cuestión y encontrar una solución satisfactoria sin llegar al litigio. Pasados 60 días, si las consultas no han permitido resolver la diferencia, el reclamante puede pedir que la resuelva un grupo especial.

> Más información sobre las consultas
> Situación actual de las diferencias

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