Non-tariff Measures and the WTO

In this paper I sketch out the rough contours of the challenge faced by the WTO in dealing with non-tariff measures (NTMs) as seen from the economic theories of trade agreements.

The key questions for the WTO — the answers to which largely dictate the choice between shallow and deep approaches to integration — appear to be two: (1) Is it the terms-of-trade problem or the commitment problem that WTO member governments seek to solve with their WTO membership?; and (2) Is it market clearing or o¤shoring/bilateral bargaining that is now the most prominent mechanism for the determination of international prices? I suggest that evidence on the …rst question points to the terms-of-trade theory and hence toward shallow integration, but that answering the second question may be the key to identifying the best way forward on NTMs for the WTO.

N°: ERSD-2012-01


Robert W. Staiger — Stanford, Wisconsin and NBER

Fecha de redacción: enero de 2012

Palabras clave:

terms of trade, commitment, border measures, behind-the-border measures, offshoring, bilateral bargaining.

Código JEL:

D62, F13, F55, H21 y H23

volver al principio

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