

  • Report by the Chairman of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) and Report by the Director-General

The Chairman referred to the Director-General's report at the 5 March Informal TNC and Heads of Delegation meeting. His full statement at that meeting can found in JOB/GC/172. At that meeting, 45 delegations intervened. Under this item, Burkina Faso spoke.

  • Implementation of the Bali, Nairobi and Buenos Aires Outcomes – Statement by the Chairman

The Chairman reported on the work taking place in WTO regular bodies to fulfil the Bali, Nairobi and Buenos Aires Ministerial mandates. His full statement can be found in JOB/GC/173.

  • Work Programme on Small Economies – Report by the Chairman of the Dedicated Session of the Committee on Trade and Development (CTD)

The CTD Chairman recalled the Buenos Aires Ministerial Decision on this matter and informed Members that the CTD Dedicated Discussion would continue to discuss how to take it forward. Guatemala (for the Group of Small, Vulnerable Economies) and the Republic of Moldova spoke.

  • Aid for Trade Work Programme – Statement by the Chairman on Trade and Development

The CTD Chairman reported that consultations on the latest work programme on Aid for Trade had been ongoing since early January. Although progress had been made, the CTD would need more time to deliberate on the matter. Following the CTD Chair's suggestion, the General Council would again take up the item at a future meeting. Chad (for the Group of Least-developed Countries) spoke.

  • Appointment of Officers to WTO Bodies

In line with the Guidelines for Appointment of Officers (WT/L/510), the General Council took note of the consensus on the slate of names for chairpersons to WTO bodies. The Council for Trade in Goods and Council for Trade in Services Chairs announced that they would conduct consultations to select Chairs for the bodies established under their respective Councils. Chile intervened.

  • Election of Chairperson

The Council elected by acclamation Ambassador Junichi Ihara (Japan) as Chair for 2018. Honduras (for the Informal Group of Developing Countries), Kenya and Rwanda (for the African Group) intervened.

Under Other Business, 18 delegations raised concerns regarding proposed national trade restrictive measures by one Member. Canada made a statement on a workshop on Trade and Gender Based Analysis. Montenegro and the European Union intervened. The Chairman also made an announcement regarding Members and Observers in arrears.




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