Forum public 2020 de l'OMC

Appel à propositions

L’OMC, attentive aux incertitudes et aux préoccupations sanitaires liées à la COVID-19, a décidé d’annuler son Forum public 2020, qui devait avoir lieu du 29 septembre au 2 octobre.

Cette année, le Forum public aura pour thème principal "Mettre à profit les 25 années d'expérience de l'OMC". Ses sous thèmes seront les suivants: "OMC: Passé, présent et futur", "L'innovation à l'ère du numérique" et "Agir collectivement pour un commerce durable".

For more detailed information about the theme, please consult the Public Forum webpage:


Proposals are to be submitted online using this form. To access the form, you will need an account to log on to the WTO website. If you do not already have an account, please create one here.

The deadline for submission of applications is 1 June 2020. After this date, applications will no longer be considered. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS for late applications.

Working sessions or workshops

Organisers can choose between working sessions or workshops.

  • Working sessions are composed of no more than 5 panellists (including the moderator) introducing the issue and offering their point of view to the audience. The moderator will engage the participants in an open discussion. Interpretation in the official WTO languages (English, French and/or Spanish) will be available on a first-come first-serve basis.
  • Workshops take the form of informal brainstorming discussions. There will be no interpretation to allow for better interaction.

Selection process

The WTO is responsible for the selection process. To qualify for selection, your organisation needs to complete the online application form by 1 June 2020.

Please note that the number of available slots is limited. Selection will be based on creativity, diversity of the panellists – including gender, geographical representation, differences in perspectives and relevance to the theme and sub-themes.



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