“La paix par l'éducation”
Débat à l'OMC sur l'autonomisation des femmes

'La paix par l'éducation', Débat à l'OMC sur l'autonomisation des femmes
“La paix par l'éducation”, Débat à l'OMC sur l'autonomisation des femmes

Graduate Women International (GWI) is an NGO, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, whose membership is comprised of graduate women and whose mission is education for all women and girls. They have Federations and Associations in fifty-five countries and all advocate for the education for all women and girls. Created in 1919, it is one of the oldest women rights' organizations in the world.

As part of the 100-year celebration, GWI is organising a week-long of discussions and assemblies, including 400 women from the Organization coming from fifty countries.

The event's theme is “Peace through Education”. It will be dedicated to helping women acquire global leadership skills and to participate in national and global avenues to eliminate barriers to equal and inclusive education, social and economic justice and the empowerment of women.

Progress in the last 2 years, since gender was made an integral part of the WTO's work, has been building and growing. It follows the recommendations, actions and objectives set in the Buenos Aires Declaration on Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment, as well as the WTO Trade and Gender Action Plan for 2017-2019. The discussion intends to highlight the work of the WTO on trade and gender and also the role of trade in fostering education, peace and women's empowerment.


  • Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General, World Trade Organization (video message)
  • Ambassador Sunanta Kangalkulkij, General Council Chair, World Trade Organization
  • Arancha Gonzalez, Executive Director, International Trade Centre
  • Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director, Enhanced Integrated Framework 
  • Geeta Desai, President, Graduate Women International
  • Gabrielle Marceau, Counsellor, Legal Affairs Division, World Trade Organization
  • Anoush der Boghossian, Trade and Gender Focal Point, World Trade Organization



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