Charlas sobre cuestiones relativas a la OMC. Participación en foros. Servicios a los medios de comunicación y las ONG


Documentos de posición de las ONG recibidos por la secretaría de la OMC

Los documentos de posición de las ONG enumerados a continuación fueron recibidos antes del 26 de enero de 2001



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Statement on Electronic Commerce

(English only)

Confederation of Asia and Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industries (CACCI
Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trade System

(English only — also available electronically)
Download in Word format (4 pages; 193KB)

European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
Recommendations for ways forward on institutional reform of the World Trade Organization

(English only — also available electronically)
Download in Word format (13 pages; 81KB)

Christian Aid
Priorities for WTO Agriculture Negotiations

(English only — also available electronically)
Download in Word format (2 pages; 36KB)

Food and Drink Federation (FDF)
The Greenpeace International Seminars on Safe Trade

(English only)

Building a WTO that can contribute effectively to Economic and Social Development World-Wide

(English / French / Spanish — also available electronically)
Download in Word format (4 pages; 33KB)

International Conference of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
WTO Negotiations for Liberalizing Trade in Services

(English only — also available electronically)
Download in Word format (10 pages; 49KB)

Keidanren/Japan Services Network
Discussion Paper on the Precautionary Principle in International Trade

(English only)

Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe (UNICE)
UNICE Strategy on WTO Services Negotiations (GATS 2000)

(English / French — also available electronically)
Download in PDF format (7 pages; 709KB)

Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe (UNICE)