Summary of General Council meeting of 9 and 10 December 2019



1. Report by the Chairman of the Trade Negotiations Committee and Report by the Director-General
The Chairman referred to the Director-General's report at the 6 December Informal TNC and HODs meetings. The Director-General's statement and the Oral Reports by the Chairs of the Bodies established by the TNC can be found in JOB/TNC/77. At that meeting, 45 interventions were made. Under this item, the Director-General made a brief report and Barbados, the Russian Federation, the Philippines, Haiti and Montenegro spoke. The General Council took note of the report of the Director-General on 6 December and at the meeting, of the report of the Chair of the Negotiating Group on Rules in TN/RL/32 and of the statements.

2. Implementation of the Bali, Nairobi and Buenos Aires Outcomes – Statement by the Chair
The Chair reported on the work taking place in WTO regular bodies to fulfil the Bali, Nairobi and Buenos Aires Ministerial mandates. Her full statement can be found in JOB/GC/224. The Chair of the Committee on Trade Facilitation (CTF) made a report on the latest developments in the Committee. Chad (LDCs) and Benin (African Group) spoke.

3. Review of the Operation of the Bali Decision on TRQ Administration – Report to the General Council
Pursuant to paragraphs 13-15 of the Bali TRQ Decision and further to the consideration of the matter in the Committee on Agriculture, the General Council took note of the report in G/AG/29 and approved the recommendations contained in Annex 2 to the report.

4. Work Programme on Small Economies – Report by the Chairman of the Dedicated Session of the Committee on Trade and Development
Deputy Director-General Yonov Frederick Agah, on behalf of the CTD Chair, reported that, at the dedicated session, the CTD considered a proposal by the SVE Group for a Ministerial Decision at MC12 on the Work Programme. El Salvador (SVEs), Trinidad and Tobago (CARICOM), St. Lucia (OECS) and Barbados spoke.

5. Informal Process on Matters related to the Functioning of the Appellate Body – Report by the Facilitator and Draft Decision on the Functioning of the Appellate Body
Ambassador Walker (New Zealand), the Facilitator of the Informal Process, reported on the developments in this regard. His full report, including the draft decision presented (WT/GC/W/791), can be found in JOB/GC/225. Japan; Chile (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Chile); Argentina; Ecuador; Nigeria; Chinese Taipei; the Republic of Korea; Chad (LDCs); Barbados; Benin (African Group); Zambia; Ukraine; Trinidad and Tobago (CARICOM); South Africa; Uruguay; Pakistan; the Plurinational State of Bolivia; India; Egypt; the United States; Jamaica (ACP); the European Union; Indonesia; Turkey; the Russian Federation; Brazil; Singapore; Mexico; Switzerland; Guatemala; Canada; Australia; China; Colombia and Cameroon spoke. Benin (African Group) and Japan again took the floor. The Director-General also intervened.

6. The Development Assistance Aspects of Cotton – Statement by the Director-General
The Director-General reported on the successful launch of the first World Cotton Day on 7 October which had underlined the need to create a more level playing field for trade in cotton, and to increase development assistance on cotton and cotton-related products, in particular for LDCs. Deputy Director-General Alan Wolff then reported that the work on the Director-General's Consultative Framework Mechanism on Cotton had continued to make progress during 2019. He thanked Members of the development community, those who significantly contributed to the South-South Cooperation for Cotton Development Assistance and several multilateral institutions. Benin (C-4); Chad (LDCs); the United States; India and China spoke.

7. TRIPS Non-Violation and Situation Complaints Moratorium – Communication from Canada, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, New Zealand, Panama and Uruguay
Chile; Panama; Guatemala and Uruguay introduced the item including their communication in WT/GC/W/790. Bangladesh spoke. The Chair said discussions on the item would continue upon opening the floor under the item on the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce. (see next item).

8. Work Programme on Electronic Commerce
Deputy Director-General Yi Xiaozhun, on behalf of the CTS Chair, and the CTG Chair presented their reports on the matter in S/C/58 and G/C/66, respectively. Chad (LDCs) introduced the LDC Group's communication in WT/GC/W/787. Switzerland, on behalf of the co-sponsors, presented their communications in WT/GC/W/782/Rev.2 and WT/GC/W/792. On 10 December, the Chair reported on her consultations regarding the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce and the Moratorium. The General Council adopted the Decision on the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce in WT/GC/W/794 and the Draft Decision on TRIPS Non-Violation and Situation Complaints as contained in WT/GC/W/790. The two decisions were subsequently circulated as WT/L/1079 and WT/L/1080, respectively. Benin (African Group); India; Jamaica (ACP); Trinidad and Tobago (CARICOM); Chinese Taipei; Thailand; South Africa; Barbados; St. Lucia (OECS); Switzerland; Indonesia; Japan; Chad (LDCs); Australia; Chile; Argentina; Pakistan; the United States; Mali; the European Union; Malaysia; the Republic of Korea; Canada; Israel; Nigeria; China; Uruguay; Hong Kong, China; Colombia; the Russian Federation and Brazil spoke.

9. Request for Observer Status by the African Union – Communication from Benin on behalf of the African Group (WT/GC/W/789)
Benin (African Group) introduced the request for Observer Status by the African Union circulated in document WT/GC/W/789. Egypt; Nigeria; Argentina; South Africa; the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Arab Group); Chad (LDCs); Haiti; Cameroon; the European Union; the United States and Uruguay spoke. The Chair understood from the discussions that more time was needed to consider the request. Benin (African Group) again took the floor.

10. Accession of Curaçao – Request from the Kingdom of the Netherlands
The Kingdom of the Netherlands introduced the request for accession of Curaçao in document WT/ACC/CUW/1 and passed the floor to the Minister of Economic Development of Curaçao – H.E. Giselle McWilliam. Trinidad and Tobago; Uruguay; the European Union and the United States spoke. The Chair said that the interventions made showed that more time was needed to further consult on the request.

11. Procedural Guidelines for WTO Councils and Committees addressing Trade Concerns – Statement by Co-Sponsors of WT/GC/W/777/Rev.4
The European Union, on behalf of the co-sponsors, introduced the item which included their communication in WT/GC/W/777/Rev.4. Nigeria; Argentina; Ecuador; Canada; Uruguay; Chad (LDCs); Paraguay; Indonesia; South Africa; Guatemala; the United States and Bangladesh spoke. The European Union again took the floor.

12. Challenges posed to the WTO by Non-Market Policies and Practices – United States
The United States made a statement regarding this matter. China; the European Union; Japan and Chinese Taipei spoke. The United States and China again took the floor.

13. Procedures to Strengthen the Negotiating Function of the WTO – Communications from the United States
The United States introduced the item including document WT/GC/W/757/Rev.1 and its revised communication in WT/GC/W/764/Rev.1. China; Uruguay (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay); the European Union; Barbados; South Africa; India; Ecuador; Jamaica (ACP); Turkey and Benin (African Group) spoke. The United States again took the floor.

14. LDCs' Views on WTO Reform Discussions and Proposals – Statement By Chad on behalf of the LDC Group
Chad (LDCs) introduced this item including the communication of the LDC Group in JOB/GC/223 and JOB/GC/223/Corr.1. Canada; the European Union; South Africa; Afghanistan; Cambodia; the United States; India; Benin (African Group) and Jamaica (ACP) spoke. Chad (LDCs) again took the floor.

15. Statement in Support of the Rules-Based Multilateral Trading System – Statement by Switzerland

Switzerland introduced this item including the statement on behalf of co-sponsors, subsequently issued in WT/GC/203. Mongolia; Trinidad and Tobago; Chinese Taipei; Japan; the European Union; Uruguay; Thailand; Hong Kong, China; Malaysia; Cambodia; Norway; South Africa; Chad; the United States; Israel; Jamaica; Afghanistan; Argentina; India; Honduras; Qatar; Cameroon and the Russian Federation spoke.

16. Twelfth Session of the Ministerial Conference – Election of Officers
The Chair reported that consultations were still ongoing on the Election of MC12 Vice Chairs.

17. TRIPS Council Matters
The General Council took note of the report of the TRIPS Council in IP/C/84 and adopted the draft decision in document IP/C/83 extending the time-period for acceptance by Members of the Protocol amending the TRIPS Agreement to 31 December 2021 (WT/L/1081).

18. Review of the Exemption provided under Paragraph 3 of GATT 1994
The General Council considered the exemption under paragraph 3 of GATT 1994 for review. The next review will be held in 2021. The United States; Norway; Japan; China; the Republic of Korea; Hong Kong, China; the European Union; Australia and Panama spoke.

19. Waivers under Article IX of the WTO Agreement
The General Council adopted 4 waivers involving the Introduction of Harmonized System 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017 changes into WTO Schedules of Tariff Concessions. The Council also conducted the review of seven waivers pursuant to Article IX:4 of the WTO Agreement. The decisions were subsequently circulated as WT/L/1082 – 1085.

20. Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration – Reports on Meetings of April, June, September, October and November 2019
The CBFA Chair introduced the reports of the CBFA in documents WT/BFA/179 to 183, including the Committee's recommendations. China and the European Union spoke. The General Council took note of the statements, approved the Budget Committee's specific recommendations contained in paragraph 3.37 of WT/BFA/180; paragraphs 4.6 and 7.3 of WT/BFA/181; paragraphs 1.24 and 2.4 of WT/BFA/182 and paragraphs 3.11, 4.13 and 1.100 of WT/BFA/183. The Director-General then took the floor.

21. WTO Pension Plan Management Board – Election of a Member
The General Council elected Mr. Rob Cook (United Kingdom) to the WTO Pension Plan Management Board as a Member (WT/L/1086).

22. International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO – Report of the Joint Advisory Group on its 53rd Session
Following a statement by the Chair of the CTD on that body's consideration of the report at its meeting on 22 November, the General Council adopted the JAG's report in ITC/AG(LIII)/276. Trinidad and Tobago (CARICOM); Benin (African Group); the European Union and the International Trade Centre (Observer) spoke.

23. Review of WTO Activities
The General Council conducted its annual review of WTO activities, in line with the Decision concerning procedures for an annual overview of WTO activities and for reporting under the WTO (WT/L/105).

24. Appointment of Officers to WTO Bodies – Announcement by the Chair pursuant to Paragraph 7.1(a) of the Guidelines
In line with the Guidelines for the Appointment of Officers to WTO bodies (WT/L/510), the Chair announced that she would be starting the selection process assisted by the serving Chair of the Dispute Settlement Body.

Under "Other Business", the Russian Federation made a statement on the Eighth China Round Table on WTO Accessions hosted in Moscow by the Russian Government on 4-5 December (see also WT/ACC/35 – WT/GC/204 – WT/MIN(20)/1). China congratulated the Russian Federation for successfully hosting the event. The Chair made a statement on Members and Observers in arrears.




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