Women and trade


Sessions on gender have been held at every WTO Public Forum since 2001. In addition, the WTO regularly marks International Women's Day


Session 2: How Trade Can Help Achieve Sustainable Development Goal #5 - Gender Equality

Session 18: Trade Policy: Unlocking Opportunities for Women

Session 40: Can Gender-sensitive Trade Policies Hinder the Spread of the Anti-globalisation Movements?

Session 52: Fashioning a Cultural Shift through Digital Innovation by Empowering SMEs, Women Entrepreneurs and Artisans to Move from ‘Lowest Price’ to ‘Highest Value’

Session 100: Gender and Trade: Fostering a Virtuous Circle


Session 11: Inclusive Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment: Aligning Global Trade with the 2030 Agenda

Session 16: Shaping the Rules to Facilitate Active Participation of SMEs and Women in Global Markets

Session 18: Inclusive Business: Empowering Women in the World of Intellectual Property and Beyond

Session 23: Building the Case of SDGs: What’s in for Women Engineers & Scientists? A Call to Act!


Workshop 3: Trade Improves Lives! A Case Study from Africa – Women Shea Collectors in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali

Session 27: “Chalking it up to Trade” – the Role of Trade Facilitation in Improving the Livelihoods of East African Women



Session 8: Doing it Differently: Reshaping the Global Economy

Session 31: Campaign for Participation and Representation of Women’s Issues in Trade: Strengthening Responses to Create Wealth and Reduce Poverty for Women in Informal Cross Border Trade in Southern Africa


Session 27: South-South Cooperation and Regional Integration: A Gender Perspective


Session 12: Global Governance, International Trade and Development Discourses and National Policy-Making


Equitable Trade: Creating a Level Playing Field for Men and Women

Aid for Trade: Any Chances for a Gender-sensitive Development?

International Women's day


WTO Marks International Women’s Day with a focus on Gender Parity In the Organization


International Women’s Day





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