CET ARTICLE a pour objet d’aider le public à mieux comprendre les questions traitées à l’OMC. bien que tout ait été fait pour garantir l’exactitude des renseignements qui y figurent, l’article ne préjuge pas des dispositions des gouvernements membres.

Le résumé officiel des débats figure dans le compte rendu de la réunion.

> mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires
> nouvelles sur les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires



sur les “trois sœurs” dans le domaine SPS — les organismes internationaux de normalisation:
> Codex Alimentarius
> Organisation mondiale de la santé animale
> Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux

The Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) provides a forum for members to exchange information on implementing the WTO agreement that aims to ensure consumers are supplied with safe food products, while also making sure that health and safety regulations do not unnecessarily hinder trade. Members heard three new specific trade concerns and updates on 17 concerns previously raised.


Trade concerns — new issues

Russian: import measures on food products
Costa Rica: Registration for pesticides


Previously raised concerns

European Union: Review of pesticide residues and criteria for endocrine disruptors
EU: Approval of biotech foods
China: Approval of bio-tech and lack of transparency


Private standards

The outgoing Chair of the SPS Committee, Mr Felipe Hees of Brazil, reported that members remain divided on future work in the area of private standards. Private standards are developed by non-governmental bodies and entities— such as those of supermarket chains— to address concerns relating to food safety, animal/plant health and other social issues. The increasing influence of private standards has become a concern for exporters, particularly in developing countries, as these standards impose additional requirements on them and raise barriers to market access.

WTO members agreed in 2011 to develop a working definition of SPS-related private standards, and to inform each other regularly about the work in the area. In October 2013, the committee agreed to form an electronic working group, which put forward a proposed working definition of an SPS-related private standard (G/SPS/W/283). Several developed country members said they could not support the proposal because it might imply that private standards are covered by the SPS Agreement. The work to define SPS private standards has since been deadlocked.  

China informed members it would start drafting a paper on “best practice guidelines regarding private standards” and invited members to participate in the exercise. While some members supported for the initiative, a few developed country members signalled their discomfort with the idea.


Technical seminars

Members heard a report on a recent seminar on electronic SPS certification organized by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF). The seminar shared the latest knowledge and good practice on automated SPS certification systems and their impact on facilitating trade by cutting trade time and costs while ensuring safety. It also highlighted critical capacity building needs that should be addressed to enable developing countries to reap the benefits of paperless SPS certification.

The committee discussed with great interest a workshop on pesticide maximum residue levels to be held in October 2016, with a few members offering their suggestions on the specific topics to be covered.


Follow-up Session of the 2015 Advanced SPS Course (29 June – 7 July 2016)

Also in attendance at the SPS Committee were government officials from 19 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Middle East that were participating in the follow-up session of the 2015 advanced SPS course. This follow-up session is a continuation of the course held over three weeks in October 2015 where participants developed an action plan to tackle specific problems in their countries related to the implementation of the SPS Agreement. The follow-up session was organized to present the results regarding the implementation of these action plans over the past eight months.



Ms Marcela Otero of Chile took over as the Chairperson of the WTO SPS Committee. She replaced Mr Felipe Hees of Brazil who served as the Chairperson for the past year.


Next meeting

The Committee will hold its next meeting on 27-28 October 2016, which will be preceded by the Workshop on Pesticide MRLs on 24-25 October and an informal meeting on 26 October.


Want to know more?

More information on past trade concerns and meetings can be found through the WTO SPS information management system.

Comprendre le jargon 

Placez le curseur sur un terme pour voir sa définition:

• équivalence

• mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires

• notification

• régionalisation

• traitement spécial et différencié

> Mieux comprendre le jargon: glossaire

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