jif 2019

Journée internationale des femmes 2019

Diffusion en direct


Opening: WTO's contribution to Women's empowerment

The opening session will take stock of the progress made on trade and gender in the WTO and launch new WTO initiatives on women's empowerment.


  • Shishir Priyadarshi, Director of the Development Division, WTO


  • Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General, WTO


"Unlocking Trade for Women's Empowerment through Innovation and Sustainability"

The EIF programme will present its new initiative on women's empowerment: "Empower Women, Power Trade". In the second part, the discussion will focus on how women can benefit most from trade while contributing to environmental protection. In this session, WTO Members will share their national experiences while WTO experts will introduce a new WTO research project on this topic.


  • Shishir Priyadarshi, Director of the Development Division, WTO


  • Anoush der Boghossian, WTO Trade and Gender Focal Point
  • Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director of the EIF
  • Corina Cojocaru, Economic Counsellor, WTO Permanent Mission of the Republic of Moldova
  • Mike Webb, First Secretary, WTO Permanent Mission of New Zealand
  • Carlos Vanderloo, First Secretary, WTO Permanent Mission of Canada
  • Christine Lins, Consultant for IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency (by video-conference)
  • Ludivine Tamiotti, Counsellor, Trade and Environment Division, WTO



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