MINISTERIAL CONFERENCES: Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference


MC12 Package of Decisions and Declarations

MC12 Outcome Document
Work Programme on Small Economies – Ministerial Decision
TRIPS Non-violation and Situation Complaints – Ministerial Decision
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Declaration for the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference: Responding to Modern SPS Challenges – Ministerial Declaration
Ministerial Declaration on the Emergency Response to Food Insecurity
Ministerial Decision on World Food Programme Food Purchases Exemption from Export Prohibitions or Restrictions
Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement
Ministerial Declaration on the WTO Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Preparedness for Future Pandemics
Work Programme on Electronic Commerce – Ministerial Decision
Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies – Ministerial Decision

MC12 Package of Draft Decisions and Declarations

MC12 outcome document - Draft - Revision
Draft Ministerial Declaration on the Emergency Response to Food Insecurity - Revision
Draft Ministerial Decision on World Food Programme Food Purchases Exemption from Export Prohibitions or Restrictions
Draft Ministerial Declaration on the WTO response to the COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness for future pandemics
Draft Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS agreement - Revision
Work programme on electronic commerce - Draft Ministerial Decision of 16 June 2022
Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies - Draft Ministerial Decision of 17 June 2022

Draft Decisions and Declarations submitted by the General Council

Work Programme on Small Economies
TRIPS non-violation and situation complaints
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Declaration for the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference: Responding to Modern SPS Challenges


MC12 documents

A smooth transition package in favour of Members graduating from the LDC category - Communication from Chad on behalf of the LDC Group
Draft Ministerial Declaration on the Emergency Response to Food Insecurity - Revision
MC12 outcome document - Draft - Revision
Sanitary and phytosanitary declaration for the twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference : responding to modern SPS challenges - Submission by the African Group; ACP Group; Argentina; Australia; Belize; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Cabo Verde; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; European Union; The Gambia; Guatemala; Honduras; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Korea, Republic of; Malaysia; Mexico; Mongolia; Morocco; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Norway; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Senegal; Singapore; Switzerland; The Separate Customs Territory Of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen And Matsu; Tajikistan; Togo; Türkiye; Ukraine; United States; Uruguay and Viet Nam - Revision
Ministerial Declaration adopted at the Second Ministerial Meeting of the G7+ WTO Accessions Group - Geneva, Switzerland, 15 June 2022
Declaration of Ministers of the Group of Small and Vulnerable Economies (SVEs) to the Twelfth Session of the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference
Coordinator of GRULAC–WTO - Statement by H.E. Mr Federico Alfaro Boyd - Minister of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Panama on behalf of the Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC), on the occasion of the Twelfth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization - 13 June 2022
MC12 Opening Session - Statement by H.E. Ambassador Didier Chambovey - Chairman, WTO General Council - Sunday, 12 June 2022
MC12 Opening Session - Statement by Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala - WTO Director-General - Sunday, 12 June 2022
Ministerial Statement on WTO reform
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Declaration for the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference : responding to modern SPS challenges - Submission by the African Group; ACP Group; Argentina; Australia; Belize; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Cabo Verde; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; The Gambia; Guatemala; Honduras; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; Mongolia; Morocco; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Norway; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Senegal; Singapore; Switzerland; The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen And Matsu; Tajikistan; Togo; Ukraine; United States; Uruguay and Viet Nam - Revision
Declaración sobre la reforma de las reglas multilaterales del comercio agropecuario - Comunicación de Argentina, Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana y Uruguay
Communiqué - Arab Ministerial Meeting - Geneva, 12 June 2022
Communiqué - Arabic language
Pacific Ministerial Statement for the WTO Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12) - 12 - 15 June 2022
G-33 Ministerial Statement on WTO agriculture negotiations at 12th Ministerial Conference - G-33 ministerial meeting, Geneva - 12 June 2022
Informal dialogue on plastic pollution and environmentally sustainable plastics trade (IDP) - Ministerial statement on plastic pollution and environmentally sustainable plastics trade
Communication from the co-sponsors of the Sectoral Initiative in Favour of Cotton plus Côte d'Ivoire
African Ministers of Trade Declaration on WTO Issues - Geneva, Switzerland - 11 June 2022
East African Community - EAC trade ministers statement on WTO MC12 - 31 May 2022
Statement on inclusive trade and gender equality from the co-chairs of the Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender - Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference
Agreement on Fisheries subsidies - Draft text
Agreement on Fisheries subsidies - Draft text - Addendum
Draft Ministerial Decision on Agriculture
Draft Ministerial Decision on World Food Programme Food Purchases Exemption from Export Prohibitions or Restrictions
Draft Ministerial Declaration on Trade and Food Security
MC12 outcome document - Draft
Draft Ministerial Decision - Communication from the Chair of the Council for TRIPS
Draft Ministerial Declaration on the WTO response to the COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness for future pandemics
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Declaration for the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference : responding to modern SPS challenges - Submission by the African Group; ACP Group; Argentina; Australia; Belize; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Cabo Verde; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; The Gambia; Guatemala; Honduras; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; Mongolia; Morocco; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Norway; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Senegal; Singapore; Switzerland; The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen And Matsu; Tajikistan; Togo; Ukraine; United States; Uruguay and Viet Nam - Revision
Report by Ambassador Zhanar Aitzhanova, Chair of the Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services - Text on services for the MC12 outcome document - 10 June 2022
Ministerial statement on fossil fuel subsidies
Africa and development - Communication from the African Group
Implementation of the trade-related components of cotton - Progress report by the Director-General to the 12th Ministerial Conference
Informal Working Group on MSMES - Coordinator's report
Draft Ministerial Decision - WTO response to food insecurity in NFIDCs and LDCs
Work programme on electronic commerce - Communication from Albania; Australia; Bahrain, Kingdom of; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; European Union; Georgia; Guatemala; Honduras; Hong Kong, China; Iceland; Israel; Japan; Kazakhstan; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait, the State of; Kyrgyz Republic; Liechtenstein; Malaysia; Mexico; Moldova, Republic of; Montenegro; New Zealand; Nigeria; North Macedonia; Norway; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Qatar; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of; Singapore; Switzerland; Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu; Tajikistan; Thailand; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay and Yemen
Work programme on electronic commerce - Communication from India, Indonesia, and South Africa
OACPS Ministerial Declaration on the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference
Proposal by Brazil
Communication from Brazil
Public stockholding for food security purposes - Proposal by the African Group, the ACP, and G33
Communication from the United Arab Emirates
Provisional agenda
Draft Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies
Draft Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies — Addendum
OACPS Ministerial Declaration on the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference
LDC Ministerial Declaration for the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference 2021
Final draft declaration on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)

Draft ministerial decisions

On 22-23 November, the General Council agreed to forward the following draft decisions to the Ministerial Conference for adoption:

Work Programme on Small Economies
TRIPS non-violation and situation complaints

Reports by negotiating group chairs

Special Session of the Committee on Agriculture
Special Session of the Committee on Trade and Development
Special Session of the Dispute Settlement Body
Special Session of the Council for TRIPS
Negotiating Group on Market Access
Negotiating Group on Rules
Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services
Special Session of the Committee on Trade and Environment

Annual reports by the General Council and subsidiary bodies

General Council
Dispute Settlement Body
Trade Policy Review Body
Council for Trade in Goods
Council for Trade in Services
Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
Committee on Agriculture
Committee on Trade and Development
Committee on Trade and Environment
Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions
Committee on Regional Trade Agreements
Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance
Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology
Committee on Government Procurement
Committee on Trade in Civil Aircraft


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