IX. Tableaux des statistiques

La publication "Examen statistique du commerce mondial 2016" intégrale peut être commandée auprès de la librairie en ligne de l'OMC.  Les graphiques et tableaux de ce chapitre peuvent être téléchargés à partir des liens ci-dessous.

Voir aussi:
> Nouvelle
> Base de données statistiques
> Pour en savoir plus sur le commerce international et les données tarifaires

Table des matières
I. Introduction

II. Tendances du commerce mondial: regard sur les dix dernières années
> Graphiques et tableaux

III. Le commerce mondial en 2015-2016
> Graphiques et tableaux

IV. Commerce des marchandises et des services
> Graphiques et tableaux

V. Structure des échanges aux niveaux mondial et régional
> Graphiques et tableaux

VI. Participation des économies en développement au commerce mondial
> Graphiques et tableaux

VII. Évolution des politiques commerciales
> Graphiques et tableaux

VIII. Composition, définitions et méthodologie

IX. Tableaux des statistiques
> Tableaux
> Tous les tableaux Excel au format zip


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Tableau A1: Croissance du volume des exportations et de la production mondiales de marchandises, 2010-2015

Tableau A2: Croissance du volume du commerce mondial de marchandises, par certaines régions et économies, 2010-2015

Tableau A3: Commerce mondial de marchandises et des services commerciaux, par région et par certaines économies, 2010-2015

Tableau A4: Exportations mondiales de marchandises, par région et par certaines économies, 1948, 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 et 2015

Tableau A5: Importations mondiales de marchandises par région et par certaines économies, 1948, 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 et 2015

Tableau A6: Principaux exportateurs et importateurs mondiaux de marchandises, 2015

Tableau A7: Principaux exportateurs et importateurs mondiaux de marchandises (à l’exclusion du commerce intra-UE (28)), 2015

Tableau A8: Principaux exportateurs et importateurs mondiaux de services commerciaux, 2015

Tableau A9: Principaux exportateurs et importateurs mondiaux de services commerciaux (à l’exclusion du commerce intra-UE (28)), 2015

Tableau A10: Commerce des services commerciaux de certaines économies, par origine et destination, 2014

Tableau A11: Ratio des exportations de biens et de services commerciaux par rapport au PIB des pays les moins avancés, 2015

Tableau A12: Merchandise exports and imports of least-developed countries, 2015

Tableau A13: Exports of commercial services of the least-developed countries by category, 2015

Tableau A14: Top 10 exporters and importers of agricultural products, 2015

Tableau A15: Top 10 exporters and importers of fuels and mining products of regions by destination, 2015

Tableau A16: Top 10 exporters and importers of manufactures, 2015

Tableau A17: Top 10 exporters and importers of iron and steel, 2015

Tableau A18: Top 10 exporters and importers of chemicals, 2015

Tableau A19: Top 10 exporters and importers of pharmaceuticals, 2015

Tableau A20: Top 10 exporters and importers of office and telecom equipment, 2015

Tableau A21: Top 10 exporters and importers of automotive products, 2015

Tableau A22: Top 10 exporters and importers of textiles, 2015

Tableau A23: Top 10 exporters and importers of clothing, 2015

Tableau A24: World trade in commercial services by category, 2015

Tableau A25: Growth of commercial services exports by category and by region, 2005-2015

Tableau A26: World trade in transportation services by region, 2015

Tableau A27: Leading exporters and importers of transportation services, 2015

Tableau A28: Major exporters and importers of manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A29: Major exporters and importers of maintenance and repair services, 2015

Tableau A30: World trade in transport services by region, 2015

Tableau A31: Leading exporters and importers of transport services, 2015

Tableau A32: World trade in travel by region, 2015

Tableau A33: Leading exporters and importers of travel, 2015

Tableau A34: World trade in other commercial services by region, 2015

Tableau A35: Leading exporters and importers of other commercial services, 2015

Tableau A36: World exports of construction by region, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A37: Major exporters and importers of construction, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A38: World exports of insurance and pension services by region, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A39: Major exporters and importers of insurance and pension services, 2015 and 2015

Tableau A40: World exports of financial services by region, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A41: Major exporters and importers of financial services, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A42: World receipts of charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. by region, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A43: Major exporters and importers of charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. by region, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A44: World exports of telecommunications, computer and information services by region, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A45: Major exporters and importers of telecommunications, computer and information services, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A46: Major exporters and importers of telecommunications services, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A47: Major exporters and importers of computer services, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A48: World exports of other business services by region, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A49: Major exporters and importers of other business services, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A50: Trade in other business services by category in selected economies, major economies, 2014

Tableau A51: World exports of personal, cultural and recreational services by region, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A52: Major exporters and importers of personal, cultural and recreational services, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A53: Major exporters and importers of audio-visual and related services, 2014 and 2015

Tableau A54: Leading exporters and importers of intermediate goods, 2015

Tableau A55: World merchandise exports, production and gross domestic product, 1950-2015

Tableau A56: Merchandise trade of selected regional trade agreements, 2005-2015

Tableau A57: Trade in commercial services by selected groups of economies, 2006-2015

Tableau A58: World merchandise exports by region and selected economy, 2005-2015

Tableau A59: World merchandise imports by region and selected economy, 2005-2015

Tableau A60: World exports of commercial services by region and selected economy, 2006-2015

Tableau A61: World imports of commercial services by region and selected economy, 2006-2015

Tableau A62: Sales by affiliates of foreign companies - resident affiliates primarily engaged in services activities (inward FATS), 2011-2013

Tableau A63: Sales by foreign affiliates of resident companies - affiliates located abroad primarily engaged in services activities (outward FATS), 2011-2013

Tableau A64: Services supplied by United States affiliates established abroad (outward FATS) and by foreign affiliates in the United States (inward FATS) by economy of affiliate, 2013

Tableau A65: World merchandise exports of intermediate goods by region and selected economy, 2004-2014

Tableau A66: World merchandise imports of intermediate goods by region and selected economy, 2004-2014

Tableau A67: Export prices of primary commodities, 2005-2016

Tableau A68: Export prices of Germany, Japan and the United States by commodity group, 2005-2015

Tableau A69: Import prices of Germany, Japan and the United States by commodity group, 2005-2015

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